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Animation Concepts 103 - Character Walk Cycles.
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  • 1

    How do arms move in relation to legs when we walk?

  • 2

    When a character is walking, the swinging movement of his arms and wrists is considered secondary action. True or false?

  • 3

    How can you ensure that your animation stays on the same plane?

  • 4

    In Flash, what keyboard shortcut will create a new Key Frame in the timeline?

  • 5

    In a run cycle, is the character in contact with the ground throughout?

  • 6

    When animating a walking character, the arms swing opposite to the legs. True or false?

  • 7

    What are contact positions?

  • 8

    The start and end poses for one step in a walk are called:

  • 9

    Animating a run is very similar to animating a walk. True or false?

  • 10

    What is twinning?

  • 11

    How can you get inside a symbol in Flash?

  • 12

    What is a walk cycle?

  • 13

    When animating a walk, how many parts of the character rig need to move?

  • 14

    A basic walk cycle is made of ______ positions.

  • 15

    Why are arcs important in animation?

  • 16

    In 2D animation the background is separate and distinct from the characters. True or False?

  • 17

    Name the key poses of a walk cycle.

  • 18

    In Flash, pressing ____ creates extra frames in the timeline, giving you a duration over time.

  • 19

    What is the passing position?

  • 20

    What is the most important thing to get right in a walk cycle?

  • 21

    How can you create a purposeful walk cycle?

  • 22

    In an animation sequence, how do you make some sections slower?

  • 23

    What is a tween?

  • 24

    In Flash, pressing ____ creates a blank key frame in which you can draw the new pose.

  • 25

    What frame rate should you work in?

Animation Concepts 103
Character Walk Cycles
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