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Logic Pro 204 - The Modulation Plugins.
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  • 1

    When an audio signal and a very short delayed copy are combined, the result is:

  • 2

    Typically, when increasing LFO Mod Rate, for a smoother effect you need to...

  • 3

    In a Tremolo circuit, the LFO creates...

  • 4

    Instead of a regular delay line, a phaser creates its tonal shifts by means of...

  • 5

    Ringshifter includes two effects:

  • 6

    A Leslie rotating speaker combines three effects, which are:

  • 7

    The sharper tonal character of Flanging (compared to Chorusing) is due to...

  • 8

    Which of the following effects are included in Logic's Modulation plug-ins?

  • 9

    Which of the following plug-in is not included in Logic's Modulation effects?

  • 10

    In a Chorus effect, the delay time is modulated by...

Logic Pro 204
The Modulation Plugins
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