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Logic Pro 205 - The Distortion Plugins.
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  • 1

    Amp Designer's virtual amps includes the following effects:

  • 2

    What are the Bit Crusher's 3 clipping modes?

  • 3

    Pedalboard categorizes its distortion pedals as...

  • 4

    Pedalboard's pedals include emulations of (among others)...

  • 5

    Amp Designer includes amp models based on (among others)....

  • 6

    Bitcrusher offers three methods of generating digital distortion:

  • 7

    Amp Designer includes the following features:

  • 8

    Logic's Distortion plug-ins include...

  • 9

    Phase Distortion's virtual circuitry includes...

  • 10

    The Distortion and Overdrive pedals differ in that...

  • 11

    Amp Designer's Fender amps include...

  • 12

    Clip Distortion lets the user shape the distortion character by...

  • 13

    Logic's Distortion plug-ins include:

  • 14

    Saturation refers to:

  • 15

    Bass Amp Designer includes...

Logic Pro 205
The Distortion Plugins
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