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Logic Pro 206 - The Delay/Reverb Plugins.
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  • 1

    An Impulse Response (IR) is:

  • 2

    Logic's Delay and Reverb plug-ins include:

  • 3

    Two of Logic's Pedalboard Delays include:

  • 4

    PlatinumVerb has two control areas, for:

  • 5

    EnVerb's special feature is:

  • 6

    A reverberant field has three components: ___, Early and Later Reflections.

  • 7

    What is the technical name for the amount of time it takes for later reverberation to die away below the original level?

  • 8

    SilverVerb's extra feature is:

  • 9

    Which of the following statement is false?

  • 10

    Space Designer's controls include:

  • 11

    The Sample Delay plug-in is a utility that could be useful for:

  • 12

    Tape Delay emulates these aspects of traditional tape-based delay hardware:

  • 13

    Delay Designer includes:

Logic Pro 206
The Delay/Reverb Plugins
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