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Audio Concepts 102 - Audio Processing Basics.
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  • 1

    Which type of compressor is often used to get big fat drums?

  • 2

    How should you set a compressor to get a boomier sound?

  • 3

    Which compressor control softens the transition between the un-compressed and compressed signals?

  • 4

    When mixing a drum kit, the hi-hats are usually panned dead center. True or false?

  • 5

    Which compressor control sets how much gain reduction is applied to the signal?

  • 6

    Which filter type removes frequencies above and below high and low cutoff points?

  • 7

    Which filter type is useful to remove rumble on a track?

  • 8

    When is it appropriate to fully pan a track left or right?

  • 9

    Which filter type is useful if you want to remove a specific frequency, like a 60 Hz hum?

  • 10

    What should you do if the Master channel is clipping when mixing?

  • 11

    If you mix a compressed signal with an uncompressed signal, what technique are you using?

  • 12

    EQ can affect the wave shape. True or false?

  • 13

    What kind of compressor is the UREI 1176 ?

  • 14

    What kind of compressor is the DBX160?

  • 15

    What kind of compressor is the Teletronix LA2A?

  • 16

    Which filter type would you use to emulate the sound of a cheap speaker on a portable radio?

  • 17

    Filters are a type of EQ. True or false?

  • 18

    Side-chain compression is often called New-York compression. True or false?

  • 19

    What type of EQ is most often used when mixing?

  • 20

    + 4 dBu is the same as 0 VU on traditional VU meters. True or false?

  • 21

    Which filter type attenuates frequencies higher than the cutoff point?

  • 22

    Which filter type removes frequencies below a certain cutoff point?

  • 23

    How should you set a compressor to get a punchier sound?

  • 24

    Which form of dynamic processing would be used to eliminate background noise from silences and gaps in a recording?

Audio Concepts 102
Audio Processing Basics
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