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Bitwig Studio 203 - Sampler Deconstructed.
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  • 1

    If Keytracking is off...

  • 2

    The _________ mode creates wavetables out of specific periods of the sample.

  • 3

    What are the different sampler modes?

  • 4

    You must have a sample loaded to switch to Multisample mode. True or false?

  • 5

    The ________ knob is used to choose a specific Select Zone.

  • 6

    Each voice in the stack can modulate multiple parameters. True or false?

  • 7

    The _________ determines what key plays the sample at its original pitch.

  • 8

    The H in AHDSR stands for...

  • 9

    When Cycles is frozen, there is no difference in sound when keytracking is enabled or disabled. True or false?

  • 10

    The Speed knob changes the playhead position when the playhead is frozen. True or false?

  • 11

    The filter is always enabled. True or false?

  • 12

    The _________ mode uses a form of granular synthesis.

  • 13

    Only one modulator can control a parameter at a time. True or false?

  • 14

    Using the largest grain size makes the timestretching sound more smooth. True or false?

  • 15

    All of Samplers new modes use Timestretching. True or false?

  • 16

    Voices in a voice stack can be panned differently. True or false?

  • 17

    Grouping Zones together allows you to use Round-Robin playback mode. True or false?

  • 18

    What is the default amount of available voices?

  • 19

    Velocity Zones can't overlap. True or false?

  • 20

    Zone Parameters can be applied to different zones in different amounts. True or false?

Bitwig Studio 203
Sampler Deconstructed
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