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Cubase 101 - Beginners Guide to Cubase.
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  • 1

    What are the four most common Track types?

  • 2

    Which concept should you consider when adding a Track?

  • 3

    Hidden tracks will be silenced/muted. (True/False)

  • 4

    Clicking which button reveals the Instrument control panel?

  • 5

    What Tempo track setting makes smooth Tempo changes?

  • 6

    Which two options are offered for viewing the Operation Manual?

  • 7

    In which Cubase library do you find Sampler Track content?

  • 8

    Which Key Commands are used for zooming in and out?

  • 9

    What checkbox is enabled to reveal the scale notes in the Editor?

  • 10

    Which modifier keys are found on both Windows and Mac?

  • 11

    In which pull-down menu do you configure the audio interface?

  • 12

    Which modifier key is held down to open multiple tabs?

  • 13

    What button should you press to return to the top directory?

  • 14

    In which area do you find the Inserts, EQ, and Sends?

  • 15

    Which key command is used to return to the start of the Project?

  • 16

    What happens when you click the Zones tab?

  • 17

    Which tabs are found in the Lower Zone?

  • 18

    Which two fundamental windows does the Project Zone contain?

  • 19

    Which two functions are facilitated by the Locators?

  • 20

    What is the primary function of Keyboard Focus?

  • 21

    What is the most critical step of making a new Project?

  • 22

    What should you do if Cubase doesn't list your MIDI interface?

  • 23

    Where can the Transport controls be found?

  • 24

    The Media tab is a smaller version of which Cubase window?

  • 25

    What feature is rendered moot if the metronome isn't used during recording?

Cubase 101
Beginners Guide to Cubase
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