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Cubase 7.5 101 - Introducing Cubase 7.5.
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  • 1

    What types of tracks can be visible or invisible?

  • 2

    Where can you modify the Track Name Widths?

  • 3

    The new 7.5 VariAudio transitions are retained when opening Projects in older versions of Cubase?

  • 4

    TrackVersions are available on which types of tracks?

  • 5

    Under which circumstances might you want Automatic Hitpoint Detection disabled?

  • 6

    To restore a Setup window to the factory defaults, you should:

  • 7

    What is the purpose of the Range control of the Noise Gate?

  • 8

    Re-Record mode allows you to:

  • 9

    How many arpeggiator variations do TRIP presets have?

  • 10

    Which button do you click to get the default Quick Controls from the plug-in?

  • 11

    Saving your own custom Track Presets allows you to recall them:

  • 12

    Cubase can be used without the USB-eLicenser connected to the computer.

  • 13

    How many outputs can a Track or Rack Instrument use?

  • 14

    To adjust the length of REVelation reverb on only low frequencies, which control do you use?

  • 15

    What does the Dual Mode of Magneto II do?

  • 16

    To address more than one MIDI channels of a Track or Rack Instrument, which track type do you use?

  • 17

    When you save a preset in the Project Logical Editor, the agent will be available:

  • 18

    In the VST Instruments rack, which plug-ins appear at the top?

  • 19

    The Show All Tracks agent restores visibility to which tracks?

  • 20

    What do the Tabs in this tutorial pertain to?

  • 21

    The default Key Commands for Next and Previous Version are:

  • 22

    What Tabs are available in the Score Editor Inspector?

  • 23

    Track Visibility Configurations are saved for use in other Cubase projects.

  • 24

    The LoopMash FX plug-in can be used on:

  • 25

    Including the default color, how many event colors does Cubase have?

Cubase 7.5 101
Introducing Cubase 7.5
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