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Cubase 8 209 - Advanced Scoring Workshop.
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  • 1

    Can audio obey the Tempo Track?

  • 2

    Does Global transpose affect all clips?

  • 3

    Can you edit video in Cubase?

  • 4

    Can Cubase automate tempo?

  • 5

    What is a score?

  • 6

    Less is more when it comes to sound design. True or false?

  • 7

    Can you score with any version of Cubase?

  • 8

    Why compose several scenes in a single project?

  • 9

    Does Cubase come with a piano instrument?

  • 10

    Can Cubase time stretch loops?

  • 11

    What are Note Lanes used for?

  • 12

    When starting your score, you should always start with a rhythm. True or false?

  • 13

    Does Cubase support surround sound?

  • 14

    What is audio post production?

  • 15

    Cubase can customize file naming conventions on export. True or false?

  • 16

    Before timestretching audio, you need to convert it to MIDI first. True or false?

  • 17

    Can Cubase export stems?

  • 18

    Is mixing a score similar to mixing any music?

Cubase 8 209
Advanced Scoring Workshop
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