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Dance Music Masters 111 - Multiplier | Dubstep Drills.
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  • 1

    The trainer utilizes wavetable synthesis because it can create rich, evolving sounds. True or False?

  • 2

    What does FF in FF1 stands for?

  • 3

    What value was suggested as a good starting point for random panning?

  • 4

    The side-chain kick is ___________ than the audible kick to achieve a smoother, more controlled effect.

  • 5

    The trainer recommends unquantizing all drum elements to achieve a more rhythmical feel. True or False?

  • 6

    What is a ‘foley' sound?

  • 7

    What element needs to be quantised most of the time?

  • 8

    How was the MIDI intro created?

  • 9

    What was used to reduce/remove reverb tails?

  • 10

    What is the main idea in this track?

  • 11

    What's best to do when using raw noise?

  • 12

    Adding ____________ to an electronic track will help people connect to the track and make it more memorable.

  • 13

    Which of the following is a mode NOT available on Ozone's Exciter?

  • 14

    The trainer recommends utilising several modulation sources to achieve a solid bass tone. True or False?

  • 15

    What Warp Mode was used for the snare doubling trick?

  • 16

    The trainer recommends filtering both pre and post distortion: True or False?

  • 17

    How many filters are available in Devastor?

  • 18

    Why was one compressor named SENDSnares?

  • 19

    Which of the following is a mode available on Ozone's Maximizer?

  • 20

    When mixing sub bass, Adam likes to put a ...... filter on the master bus.

  • 21

    What sort of EQ curve type is used on the master to listen to the sub bass details?

  • 22

    In Serum, how many sub-tables make a wavetable?

  • 23

    What does the GR meter show?

  • 24

    What did the matrix in Serum show?

  • 25

    After bouncing plugins to audio, how was it clear which channels had a MIDI backup?

Dance Music Masters 111
Multiplier | Dubstep Drills
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