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Photography 301 - Drone & Aerial Photography.
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  • 1

    Adjusting the ISO in automatic mode will likely affect:

  • 2

    What part of the UAV can interfere with your photography depending on the angle of the gimbal?

  • 3

    What does EV stand for in photography?

  • 4

    What element is most important to recognize when setting a home point?

  • 5

    What is the most important thing to minimize before you fly?

  • 6

    Air traffic restrictions are set and can be relied on to be static. True or false?

  • 7

    What is a GPS point on a programmed route typically called?

  • 8

    If customizable lights are available, how can they be utilized for navigation?

  • 9

    What should be the first thing on your pre-flight checklist?

  • 10

    After landing, it is important to check your camera lens for:

  • 11

    Starting recording before takeoff is both beneficial and possible on most UAVs. True or false?

  • 12

    What is the intersection of 2 ‘rule of thirds' guidelines called?

  • 13

    Taking off the gimbal lock before turning on the drone is necessary for calibration. True or false?

  • 14

    Wildlife generally fear UAV aircraft and can be dismissed. True or false?

  • 15

    What part of the aerial vehicle stabilizes the camera and compensates for movement?

  • 16

    On what website can you find the most current FAA guidelines and information on current regulations?

  • 17

    You should disassemble the drone propellers and any other easily removable parts before you store the drone. True or false?

Photography 301
Drone & Aerial Photography
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