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Ear Training 102 - Harmony and Chord Progressions.
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  • 1

    There is no such thing as a 3rd inversion. True or false?

  • 2

    Which 7th chord is composed of a Major 3rd a Minor 3rd and a Major 3rd?

  • 3

    Which inversion has a 4th on the bottom?

  • 4

    Which scale degrees can be added to a chord to create an Added Tone Chord?

  • 5

    Minor chords are represented by lowercase Roman numerals, and Major chords are represented by uppercase Roman numerals. True or false?

  • 6

    A "Suspended Chord" is a major or minor triad in which an added 2nd or 4th replaces the 3rd scale degree.

  • 7

    ______ chord is composed of two major triads.

  • 8

    What kind of cadence is known as the "Amen" cadence?

  • 9

    The root note is the note which a chord is built upon. True or false?

  • 10

    A dyad is a chord consisting of ___ notes.

  • 11

    A minor chord sounds sad and dark. True or false?

  • 12

    _____ refers to the way in which a sequence of chords comes to an end or point of rest.

  • 13

    Which is true about Pedal Tones?

  • 14

    ______ chord is composed of a minor third + major third.

  • 15

    What type of cadence is IV-I?

  • 16

    What are the notes in a C diminished 7th chord?

  • 17

    In 1st inversion, the chord starts on its 5th degree. True or false?

  • 18

    Which 7th chord sounds bluesy?

  • 19

    Which 7th chord is considered beautiful and pastoral?

  • 20

    C/E is:

  • 21

    What kind of cadence is known as a "Surprise" cadence?

  • 22

    _____ is a shift to a new tonal center in a chord progression.

  • 23

    A diminished chord sounds bright and happy. True or false?

  • 24

    Compared to a Major chord, which scale degree changes the character of a Minor chord?

  • 25

    A pedal tone is a note in the bass which accompanies the chordal movement. True or false?

Ear Training 102
Harmony and Chord Progressions
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