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Elektron 110 - Syntakt Explored.
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  • 1

    What are sound locks?

  • 2

    True or False: Syntakt can only save a single project.

  • 3

    How many banks are in each project?

  • 4

    Is the overdrive on the FX track analog or digital?

  • 5

    Do the Analog and Digital tracks use the same machines?

  • 6

    The default length for a retrigged note is:

  • 7

    Can the LFO's on the digital or analog tracks modulate the reverb or delay?

  • 8

    Preset sounds are located where on Syntakt?

  • 9

    Is it possible to record automation in real time?

  • 10

    True or False: CTRL All only impacts the digital tracks.

  • 11

    The sound pool allows you to:

  • 12

    When using Keyboard lock, how to you determine the root note?

  • 13

    What should you deactivate before trying this MIDI feedback loop?

  • 14

    What button combination reloads the saved state of a page?

  • 15

    Does Syntakt have a compressor?

  • 16

    What is saved with the project?

  • 17

    Each page contains how many steps?

  • 18

    Syntakt has how many tracks?

  • 19

    How many ModTrigs does Syntakt have?

  • 20

    Parameter locks allow you to:

Elektron 110
Syntakt Explored
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