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Final Cut Pro 101 - Absolute Beginner's Guide.
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  • 1

    Using the keyboard shortcut keys "I" and "O" allow you to set...

  • 2

    The purpose of the viewer is to...

  • 3

    How do you delete a clip and leave no gap?

  • 4

    Can every parameter be changed with on-screen controls?

  • 5

    What does the Timeline pane show?

  • 6

    What three keys let you move around media quickly?

  • 7

    How do you swap the order of two clips?

  • 8

    What is a cutaway generally used for?

  • 9

    How do you connect one clip above another?

  • 10

    Can a clip have more than one keyword attached?

  • 11

    How do you view only your Favorite clips?

  • 12

    Do you have to create multiple files for online sharing?

  • 13

    Is audio copied into your Library when it's used?

  • 14

    Hovering the mouse pointer over a clip allows you to...

  • 15

    Can you import video from an iPhone into FCP X?

  • 16

    Placing a clip on top of other clips in the timeline allows you to create a...

  • 17

    One simple way to add clips to the timeline is to use...

  • 18

    What is the red line called that follows the mouse pointer in the timeline?

  • 19

    How do you adjust the brightness of a shot?

  • 20

    How do you rotate 3D text?

  • 21

    Why should you create a ProRes file?

  • 22

    Why are the Q, W E, D shortcuts important?

  • 23

    Where is media stored?

  • 24

    What's the shortcut to make audio quieter?

  • 25

    How many edit points do the Slip and Roll operations affect?

Final Cut Pro 101
Absolute Beginner's Guide
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