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Google 102 - Google Apps: Collaborate and Share.
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  • 1

    Why would you use the Keep on Device feature on iOS?

  • 2

    If you share an entire folder with somebody, the person will be able to access all the files in that folder. True or false?

  • 3

    The "Suggesting" feature is NOT available when working on a Spreadsheet doc. True or false?

  • 4

    Which web browser works best with Google Drive/Apps?

  • 5

    It is necessary to have an Apps For Business Account to use Google Docs. True or false?

  • 6

    By default, the document you create on Google Drive are:

  • 7

    When creating a new Document on Google Drive, you are creating:

  • 8

    Which Display setting is NOT available in Google Drive?

  • 9

    Is it possible to download the major apps like Docs, Sheets and Slides and run them offline on a computer?

  • 10

    What happens if you click on the "i" icon in Google Drive?

  • 11

    If you choose "Anyone with the link" under Sharing Settings, the document will be indexed by search engines. True or false?

  • 12

    Your Google account needs to be a gmail address. True or false?

  • 13

    Google apps and Chrome apps are:

  • 14

    It is possible to work remotely on a document with other people at the same time. True or false?

Google 102
Google Apps: Collaborate and Share
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