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HTML & CSS 101 - Hypertext Markup Language.
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  • 1

    A wireframe also specifies the HTML content of the web page. True or False?

  • 2

    What is the HTML Entity number for the Copyright symbol?

  • 3

    The "br" element is used for...

  • 4

    A Validator performs the following function when checking an HTML page.

  • 5

    An Absolute URL is an internet address that links to the directory or file of a website hosted on an external server. True or False?

  • 6

    HTML stands for:

  • 7

    HTML Entities always start and end with these characters.

  • 8

    URL stands for...

  • 9

    What is an HTML Entity?

  • 10

    What does DIV technically stand for?

  • 11

    A wireframe is a visualization tool for presenting proposed functions, structure and content of a web page. True or False?

  • 12

    What is the focus when creating a wireframe?

  • 13

    The "div" tag defines a division or a section in an HTML document. True or False?

  • 14

    A Relative URL is an internet address which points to a directory or file located in relation to the current directory or file. True or False?

HTML & CSS 101
Hypertext Markup Language
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