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iMovie 102 - iMovie for iPhone and iPad.
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  • 1

    Should a green screen clip be the primary clip in the timeline or a cutaway above the timeline?

  • 2

    What iOS/iPadOS technique do you use to move a clip earlier in a timeline?

  • 3

    Which of these clip types is possible in iMovie?

  • 4

    Audio clips can be adjusted in volume to be lower than the primary movie clip

  • 5

    Storyboards are pre-set templates and the template cannot be reconfigured.

  • 6

    A title must be placed over a clip, even if that clip is a simple solid color.

  • 7

    What kind of media can you import from iCloud Drive?

  • 8

    What is the best thing you can do to ensure your video is free of noise?

  • 9

    Transition markers are between each clip regardless of whether they are used.

  • 10

    Style elements like filters and default text/transitions can be applied even after initial editing.

  • 11

    What is Apple's flagship video editor that can also read iMovie files?

  • 12

    A project can still be edited, an exported movie cannot.

  • 13

    What can you access by trying to trim a single clip?

  • 14

    Storyboard projects are exported in a different format than traditional blank iMovie projects

  • 15

    Ken Burns uses this type of simulated camera motion.

  • 16

    What format are exported iMovie files in?

  • 17

    Themes must be chosen before you begin editing and cannot be applied after the project is completed.

  • 18

    What should you add to your setup to make your voice over sound the best?

  • 19

    What technology allows you to transfer a video from an iPhone to an iPad without email or texting?

  • 20

    Using a template saves you time but you cannot edit the order of clips afterward.

  • 21

    What is the first step after choosing a 'magic iMovie' as your template?

iMovie 102
iMovie for iPhone and iPad
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