iWeb '09 201
Advanced iWeb
Genre: Web
  • 70 Videos
  • 3h 54m
iWeb is a powerful web page creation utility - this tutorials shows you how to use it's advanced features to make complex interactive web sites!
Francesco Schiavon is a recognized expert in the topic of digital media deployment for web and optical disc. A dedicated educator, Francesco has spent the last decade teaching in some of Canada's leading multimedia schools.
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  • Web
  • IWeb
  • iWeb '09 201: Advanced iWeb
Status: Available
If you're starting out with iWeb, be sure to review iWeb '09 101: Core iWeb '09 before watching this tutorial.

In this follow-up to his best-selling core iWeb 101 tutorial, Star macProVideo.com trainer Francesco Schiavon takes you deeper into iWeb '09.

A big part of any website is the graphics you embed on your pages. This tutorial teaches you time-proven techniques to get the most out of your graphics. You'll learn how to work with images, fills, gradients, and other graphical web page elements, how to create slideshows and photo albums, and also how to crop, rotate, and mask images to create transparency using iWeb '09.

Of course, text is also an important part of any web page because the text, or words, provide much of the information on the site. The next part of this iWeb '09 tutorial gets deeper into text by showing you how to format standard and hidden text, use bullets and lists, and even create custom, graphical bullets to really make your web pages pop! You'll also learn advanced text techniques like wrapping text around an image or movie embedded in your web page.

If you have video to put on your web pages, you need to check out the end of this tutorial. Here Francesco puts you through the paces as he shows you how to add video from iMovie, YouTube, and other sources to your site.

You'll also learn how to create MobileMe galleries to showcase your photos and movies, how to password protect a MobileMe site, and even how to link your own domain names to your iWeb projects!

This is a comprehensive tutorial, but you don't need to watch the entire show. Use the detailed menus and keyword search functions to quickly find topics of interest - that's the essence of NonLinear Educating! For a full list of this tutorial's topics, see the Table of Contents.
Section 1: Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Section 2: Images and Photos
Section 3: Section 3: Working with Albums
Section 4: Section 4: Advanced Image Manipulation
Section 5: Section 5: Text
Section 6: Section 6: Page Layout
Section 7: Section 7: Video
Section 8: Section 8: Hyperlinks
Section 9: Section 9: Self-Updating Objects
Section 10: Section 10: Administrative
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