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iZotope Iris 2 - Sonic Fusion Explored.
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  • 1

    Spectral Filter selections:

  • 2

    Iris 2's 8 Macro knobs:

  • 3

    How can you assign a modulator to a parameter?

  • 4

    What should you use to add periodic variation to static notes when programming a synthesizer?

  • 5

    Iris 2's MIDI Assign feature:

  • 6

    Radius RT:

  • 7

    How many samples can you layer in a patch in Iris 2?

  • 8

    Iris 2's Keyboard Panel:

  • 9

    Iris 2's Factory Library folder:

  • 10

    In an Iris 2 Patch:

  • 11

    The layout of Iris 2:

  • 12

    The Spectrogram view shows Amplitude and Time on a X/Y axis. True or false?

  • 13

    Which distortion type will give you a lo-fi/bit-crusher type of effect?

  • 14

    Iris 2's global Filter:

  • 15

    Iris 2's Spectral Filter:

  • 16

    Which tool will automatically select similar harmonic content?

  • 17

    Iris 2 is:

  • 18

    Each modulatable parameter in Iris 2:

  • 19

    The Spectral Filter's Spectogram area:

  • 20

    Radius RT:

  • 21

    Iris 2's Sound Source:

  • 22

    An Iris 2 Patch:

  • 23

    The four Effects in Iris 2:

  • 24

    A basic Iris 2 Patch can be made up of:

  • 25

    Each Iris 2 Patch:

iZotope Iris 2
Sonic Fusion Explored
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