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Launchpad Pro 101 - Launchpad Pro: The Video Manual.
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  • 1

    Does the Launchpad Pro have a power button?

  • 2

    A Scene is a row of clips or clip slots in Session View in Live

  • 3

    Once a Stop button is removed, it can't be brought back.

  • 4

    In Note mode, how many layouts for scales are there, not including the chromatic layout?

  • 5

    What is required to get a gradual change in volume via the pads on the Launchpad Pro?

  • 6

    How many project save locations are available on the Launchpad Pro?

  • 7

    How many Launch Modes are there for clips in Live?

  • 8

    How many custom pages are there on the Launchpad Pro?

  • 9

    How many fixed preset chords are available to trigger in Chord Mode?

  • 10

    Which is the best mode to record MIDI for a drum rack?

  • 11

    How many steps of mutation can be applied to each sequencer step?

  • 12

    How many Session View tracks can be viewed simultaneously on the Launchpad?

  • 13

    How many MIDI ports appear in Live when the Launchpad Pro is connected?

  • 14

    How many tracks are available in the built-in Sequencer?

  • 15

    What type of MIDI connections does the Launchpad Pro have?

  • 16

    Which is the browser that supports web MIDI for Launchpad Intro?

  • 17

    How many MIDI channels are available to assign the Note mode to?

  • 18

    A clip's launch quantization can be Global or specific to that clip

  • 19

    How many macro controls are there on one drum rack?

  • 20

    How many steps of probability variation can be applied to a sequencer step?

  • 21

    How many micro-steps are available per sequencer step?

  • 22

    It is possible to record automation on all tracks in Live even when the tracks are not armed

  • 23

    What is the maximum number of steps per sequence?

  • 24

    Which version of Launchpad is this course on?

Launchpad Pro 101
Launchpad Pro: The Video Manual
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