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Logic Pro 101 - Essential Beginner's Guide.
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  • 1

    Press ______ to hide or show automation in the tracks area.

  • 2

    Press ____ to toggle the piano roll editor.

  • 3

    All loops in the tracks area will automatically transpose when you change the key of your song. True or false?

  • 4

    Press __________ to convert loops to real copies.

  • 5

    What is the key command to show both the live loops grid and the tracks view?

  • 6

    Instrument level inputs are often called:

  • 7

    Press _____ to show or hide the loop library.

  • 8

    Press _________ to show the color palette.

  • 9

    Where can you set up your audio interface with Logic?

  • 10

    Press _____________ to open the bounce dialog.

  • 11

    Which display can be used to analyze chords with your MIDI controller.

  • 12

    Which type of Logic project is a self-contained project file?

  • 13

    Press __________ to open the musical typing keyboard.

  • 14

    Press _____ in the tracks area to access the pop-up tools dialog.

  • 15

    Instruments can be loaded from the following locations, except for:

  • 16

    Press ____ to quantize selected notes in the piano roll editor.

  • 17

    Press ____ to open the mixer in the editors area.

  • 18

    Which parameter in ChromaVerb controls the amount of reverb?

  • 19

    Library presets have no effect on the volume or pan of a track. True or false?

  • 20

    Press ___________ to open the mixer in a separate window.

  • 21

    Press _____ to Join audio or MIDI regions together.

  • 22

    Press ____________ to toggle snap to grid.

  • 23

    Press _____ to save your Logic project.

  • 24

    Press ____ to mute the selected track.

  • 25

    You are limited to a maximum of two (2) project alternatives in Logic Pro. True or false?

Logic Pro 101
Essential Beginner's Guide
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