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Logic Pro 301 - Smart Tempo Demystified.
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  • 1

    The Smart Tempo Editor provides an editable display of Beat Markers. True or false?

  • 2

    In the Smart Tempo Editor, the Scale Selection Handle...

  • 3

    Smart Tempo Multitrack Sets allow the user to...

  • 4

    Currently, the limitations of Smart Tempo include:

  • 5

    In the Smart Tempo Editor, the Handles provide...

  • 6

    In the Smart Tempo Editor, the Set Average Tempo for Selection Action...

  • 7

    When making a multitrack audio recording in ADAPT mode, Smart Tempo

  • 8

    In AUTO mode, if an audio track is recorded along with some existing Regions, and the new recording extends beyond those regions...

  • 9

    When turned on, the Flex & Follow option...

  • 10

    To use Smart Tempo with a MIDI or Virtual Instrument track...

  • 11

    Three types of markers that enable the functions of Smart Tempo can be found in an audio file's header. What are they?

  • 12

    Logic's Smart Tempo works with both audio and MIDI. True or false?

  • 13

    In Logic, when an audio Region is conformed to Project Tempo, this is accomplished by...

  • 14

    In AUTO mode, when an audio file is Imported to a section of a Project where there are Regions present...

  • 15

    Logic's Smart Tempo provides...

  • 16

    In ADAPT mode, when an audio Region is moved/copied to a section of a Project where there are Regions present...

  • 17

    In the Smart Tempo Editor, the Apply Region Tempo to Project Tempo command...

  • 18

    Even if an audio recording is made in KEEP mode, Project Tempo can still be automatically matched to the recording's tempo by...

  • 19

    What are the three Smart Tempo modes?

  • 20

    Where is the Smart Tempo Editor for MIDI Regions located?

  • 21

    When an initial audio recording is made in a Project in AUTO mode...

  • 22

    When an initial audio recording is made in a Project in ADAPT mode...

  • 23

    Before Smart Tempo, the Project Tempo could be matched to a recording's tempo...

Logic Pro 301
Smart Tempo Demystified
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