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Logic Pro 304 - More Logic Pro All Star Tips 'N Tricks.
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  • 1

    The Physical Input object and the Sequencer Input object are found in which Environment layer?

  • 2

    In GM+Modwheel mode Drum Kit Designer's hihats have how many open/closed sample Articulation layers?

  • 3

    When the Noise Gate opens, it lets sound through. True or false?

  • 4

    Which type of send comes after the fader, but before the pan?

  • 5

    What setting on Quick Sampler is essential for the quick harmony trick?

  • 6

    Where can you find the Note Repeat Feature?

  • 7

    Under which Piano Roll menu can you find Time Handles?

  • 8

    What mode on Chord Trigger works best for finding new chord progressions?

  • 9

    How can a MIDI signal control the Noise Gate?

  • 10

    Parameter mapping allows you to...

  • 11

    Logic's script-based MIDI plug-ins use which scripting language?

  • 12

    You can create a send to a physical output on your interface in Logic. True or false?

  • 13

    Where do you map Smart Controls?

  • 14

    EVOC20 requires a ________ when used in VOC mode.

  • 15

    Logic Note Pad is a great place to record MIDI takes. True or false?

  • 16

    You don't need to record audio regions to comp them. True or false?

  • 17

    What modified needs to be held down to create velocity changes with the Brush Tool?

  • 18

    The ________ feature in the I/O Utility plug-in automatically compensates for latency in the signal.

  • 19

    Where do you graphically scale Smart Controls?

Logic Pro 304
More Logic Pro All Star Tips 'N Tricks
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