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Logic Pro FastTrack 202 - Xtreme MIDI Techniques.
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  • 1

    When quantizing the length of a MIDI note, you're also moving its horizontal position. True or False?

  • 2

    You cannot add MIDI note events in the Event List. True or false?

  • 3

    The only way to quantize MIDI in Logic is in the Event List. True of False?

  • 4

    The Step Editor is your best option when editing Audio Regions. True or False?

  • 5

    The Step Editor is a powerful tool for programming Drums, specifically snare rolls and hi-hats. True or False?

  • 6

    There are three default lane sets available in Logic's Step Editor: MIDI Control, GM Drum Kit, and...

  • 7

    Which of the following is NOT a MIDI Transform preset?

  • 8

    This is the key command that selects overlapping MIDI events in the Event List.

  • 9

    What is the most flexible, most powerful, and most complete MIDI editor in Logic Pro?

  • 10

    In the Transform window, setting a value for the "POSITION" column in "Select Events by Conditions", is relative to the beginning of this.

Logic Pro FastTrack 202
Xtreme MIDI Techniques
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