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Logic Pro 314 - Logic Pro Templates and Project Management.
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  • 1

    The key command to "Export All Tracks As Audio Files" is:

  • 2

    Press _________ to create a new Logic project from template (New From Template).

  • 3

    Project settings and channel strip settings can be imported from any Logic project file.

  • 4

    Use a higher buffer size when editing and mixing, but not when recording.

  • 5

    With Smart Controls you can control multiple plugin parameters with a single knob.

  • 6

    Press ____ to open the browsers.

  • 7

    Hold ____ while dragging a plugin to duplicate the plugin.

  • 8

    Which freeze mode renders all of the Audio FX inserts on audio tracks?

  • 9

    Smart Controls can be used to control plugin parameters, but NOT effects sends.

  • 10

    Channel Strip Settings save audio FX inserts and instruments, but do NOT save sends.

  • 11

    You can change the playing style of almost any orchestral instrument in Logic with:

  • 12

    Press ____ to open the smart controls window.

  • 13

    Which stock Logic plugin is great for accenting transients, especially for drum instruments?

  • 14

    Press ____ to open the Library.

  • 15

    The key command to "Move Regions to Recorded Position" is:

  • 16

    When reamping, it's best to use a ______ to convert line level signals down to instrument level.

  • 17

    Hold ____ while selecting an input to set sequential inputs (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.).

  • 18

    Which stock Logic plugin allows you to use mixing and mastering hardware on a channel strip?

  • 19

    Hold ____ while clicking solo buttons to toggle solos on channels.

  • 20

    Use _____ sends to create headphone cue mixes that are independent of the control room mix.

  • 21

    You cannot access audio files from Logic Project packages.

  • 22

    Which save option does NOT update the target file path for saving?

  • 23

    The key command to "Save As" is:

Logic Pro 314
Logic Pro Templates and Project Management
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