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Logic Pro 207 - The MIDI FX.
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  • 1

    What shortcut is used to create a Track Stack?

  • 2

    MIDI FX plugins are placed before the software instrument in the signal chain. True or False?

  • 3

    You can create custom Scripter presets using JavaScript. True or False?

  • 4

    This MIDI FX plugin allows you to play full chords by triggering one key or pad on your controller.

  • 5

    Which Velocity Processor mode acts like a "limiter" for incoming velocities?

  • 6

    The Note Repeater emulates the effect of an audio reverb plugin.True or False?

  • 7

    The Transposer plugin can transpose your MIDI events before they reach the Software Instrument on that track. True or False?

  • 8

    To delete all assigned chords in the Chord Trigger plug-in, you hold down this modifier key before clicking the Clear button.

  • 9

    Note number and velocity are the only events that can be processed using the Randomizer plugin. True or False?

  • 10

    You can't use the "Envelope" to affect the rate of the LFO in the modulator plugin.

  • 11

    On the Modifier MIDI FX plugin, what does the "Thru" button do?

  • 12

    Booker uses this well-known Logic instrument to generate processed percussion sounds for his multi-track soundscape.

  • 13

    This is the Chord Trigger mode that transposes the programmed chord by one semitone with every key on the keyboard, in either direction.

  • 14

    Name 3 Velocity Processor controls that borrow their names from a traditional compressor.

Logic Pro 207
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