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Logic Pro X 100 - What's New in Logic Pro X 10.5.
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  • 1

    To audition a sequence in step sequencer separate from the tracks area, press:

  • 2

    Drum Machine Design Designer is now powered by:

  • 3

    Drum Synth creates drum sounds with samples. True or false?

  • 4

    Quick sampler can split up a loop across the MIDI range using _________ mode.

  • 5

    Sampler is the successor to the:

  • 6

    You can drag sample directly into the ____________ to see several different sampling workflows.

  • 7

    Press ______ to queue and trigger all cells in a scene for playback.

  • 8

    Auto Sampler automatically builds custom ________ instruments out of software or hardware instruments.

  • 9

    The HQ button in Channel EQ runs the plug-in in ________ mode.

  • 10

    Remix FX is best controlled using _________, for a more tactile experience.

  • 11

    Sampler is 100% backward compatible with all EXS instruments. True or false?

Logic Pro X 100
What's New in Logic Pro X 10.5
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