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Logic Pro X 305 - Voiceover Recording and Editing.
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  • 1

    What's the best thing to do with a distorted voiceover recording?

  • 2

    Which one of the following is a microphone pick up pattern?

  • 3

    A digital click sound can be heard at the start and end of region, what can be done?

  • 4

    To reduce the level of the microphone you are recording, just lower the fader of your Input Channel Strip. True or false?

  • 5

    Edits you make in the audio track editor are destructive so be careful. True or false?

  • 6

    How can we get Logic to automatically change to the marquee tool in the lower half of a region or track?

  • 7

    Which Flex Time mode works well to time-compress dialogue?

  • 8

    A pop shield is used to?

  • 9

    Volume automation can be used to accurately de-ess a sibilant voiceover? True or false?

  • 10

    How can we increase the ‘intimacy' when recording a voiceover?

Logic Pro X 305
Voiceover Recording and Editing
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