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Logic Pro X 409 - Twisted Drums and Deviant Bass.
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  • 1

    What's an easy way to add bottom end to a patch in Retro Synth?

  • 2

    How can Drummer be useful when producing EDM?

  • 3

    What's the best starting point to start building an ES2 patch?

  • 4

    What's the default key command to set the locators to the selected region?

  • 5

    Which ES2 parameter can introduce pitch drift into the sound?

  • 6

    How can you pitch up all slices in an EXS-24?

  • 7

    How can you convert multiple regions to an EXS24 instrument?

  • 8

    What's the default key command to turn on Cycle mode?

  • 9

    How many Oscillators are available in ES2?

  • 10

    In the tutorial, which Logic synth is used to create a dubstep screech bass?

  • 11

    What's an advantage of using a Producer Kit on a Drummer track?

Logic Pro X 409
Twisted Drums and Deviant Bass
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