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Make Noise 101 - DPO .
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  • 1

    Oscillator B is normalled to be frequency modulated by which waveform from oscillator A?

  • 2

    How many separate Oscillators are there on the DPO?

  • 3

    The Blue FM buss dial needs to be up in order to hear any normalled FM. True or false?

  • 4

    What does DPO Stand for?

  • 5

    Lock is good for correcting minor tuning errors. True or false?

  • 6

    What parameters when modulated create movement in the Final waveform?

  • 7

    To simulate a kick drum tone, what should the shape be ideally set to?

  • 8

    Which waveform on oscillator A is normalled to modulate Fold, Angle & Shape?

  • 9

    Can the two oscillators on the DPO be pitch-controlled independently?

  • 10

    What should be the modulator used on the synced oscillator's pitch to mimic the classic hard sync lead sound?

  • 11

    Using Follow, what effect can you create on the sound?

  • 12

    How many wave shapes are there on each oscillator section?

  • 13

    Fold set to the lowest will mute the FINAL out completely. True or false?

  • 14

    When an oscillator is hard synced to another, changing its pitch will result in change of what?

  • 15

    A pluck shaped envelope on the Linear FM jack would help make a sine tone sound more like a kick drum. True or false?

  • 16

    What does X-Lock stand for?

Make Noise 101
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