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Ear Training 101 - Melodies, Intervals and Scales.
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  • 1

    D mixolydian contains the same notes as the C major scale. True or false?

  • 2

    What is an example of a whole step?

  • 3

    Which statement is incorrect?

  • 4

    The opening notes of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" is a _______________.

  • 5

    The dorian mode is based on the ____ step of the major scale.

  • 6

    Being able to learn new parts quickly is one of the benefits of ear training. True or false?

  • 7

    What interval is used in the beginning of the "Here Comes the Bride" wedding song?

  • 8

    Which minor scale has the 6th and 7th degrees flatted?

  • 9

    What is the 6th mode of the major scale?

  • 10

    ______________ is the assignment of a syllable to each note in a musical scale.

  • 11

    The C minor pentatonic scale contains the same note as the ___________ major pentatonic scale.

  • 12

    Which minor scale has the 6th and 7th degrees raised?

  • 13

    Which mode is the same as the major scale?

  • 14

    The chromatic scale is a symmetrical scale. True or false?

  • 15

    Relative Pitch is often referred as "Perfect Pitch". True or false?

  • 16

    In the "Fixed Do" system, the note A corresponds to ________.

  • 17

    Which type of Solfege is the one that has syllables assigned to different pitches based on context?

  • 18

    Symmetrical scales can be transposed to certain scale degrees while retaining the same notes. True or false?

  • 19

    Name the 3 minor modes.

  • 20

    Which type of Solfege is the one that has a particular syllable that is always assigned to the same pitch?

  • 21

    Which of the following is not a symmetrical scale?

  • 22

    Name the 3 major modes.

  • 23

    Which type of pitch recognition has no point of reference?

  • 24

    D mixolydian contains the same notes as the C major scale. True or false?

  • 25

    The distance between two notes is called __________.

Ear Training 101
Melodies, Intervals and Scales
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