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Kontakt 101 - Beginner's Guide.
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  • 1

    The play series instruments do not share any common user interface elements. True or false?

  • 2

    What types of instruments can you find in the factory library?

  • 3

    What icon must you click to get to the screen insert effects are located?

  • 4

    How do you assign custom MIDI CC automation to a screen control?

  • 5

    Kontakt memory server has the most use...

  • 6

    Why might you switch from DFD to Sampler as a source?

  • 7

    All Kontakt sample libraries must be stored in the same folder. True or false?

  • 8

    When new instruments are added, they are always automatically mapped to MIDI channel 1. True or false?

  • 9

    Retro machines does not make extensive use of pre-made snapshots. True or false?

  • 10

    When mapping a sample, what effect does dropping it lower or higher above the note on the screen have?

  • 11

    When sampling, you can use 3rd party autosamplers to speed up the workflow. True or false?

  • 12

    Snapshots are located...

  • 13

    What type of Kontakt file contains instrument mapping and setup info?

  • 14

    Kontakt can be used to play back 3rd-party sample libraries. True or false?

  • 15

    What type of hard drive is best for storing sample libraries for playback?

  • 16

    How many menus does the instrument panel have to cycle between?

  • 17

    3rd-party Kontakt instruments cannot appear in the library browser. True or false?

  • 18

    Keyswitches are often located...

  • 19

    You can restrict the MIDI range of an instrument in the options page. True or false?

  • 20

    You can assign instruments to separate physical outputs of your audio interface. True or false?

  • 21

    When you install a library by downloading in Native Access it is automatically added to your library on the left side

  • 22

    An unwrapped library...

  • 23

    What parameter is most important when making a ‘split' style multi?

  • 24

    A multi is made up of several...

  • 25

    Why do you need to set audio and MIDI preferences in the standalone app?

Kontakt 101
Beginner's Guide
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