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OS X Yosemite 104 - Mail and Calendar Toolbox.
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  • 1

    Which popular email services can you set up to use with Mail?

  • 2

    What does "organize by conversation" do?

  • 3

    Can you change the color of a calendar?

  • 4

    Is it possible on the Mac to set an arbitrary date/time for an event alert?

  • 5

    If you send a large attachment with Mail Drop, what happens to that large attachment?

  • 6

    Can you customize the format and style of your outgoing email?

  • 7

    When setting up a VIP, the messages appearing in this folder are:

  • 8

    What are "VIPs"?

  • 9

    When you make new events, what is the default duration?

  • 10

    How does Mail suggest a recipient's address?

  • 11

    Where can you add a new email account?

  • 12

    What happens if you drag a file from the Finder to an outgoing email?

  • 13

    What happens when you move a message from an IMAP mailbox to a mailbox "On My Mac"?

  • 14

    When attaching an image to an outgoing email, what happens to it when we choose "Image Size: Actual Size"?

  • 15

    What kind of mail (email) server does iCloud use?

  • 16

    If you set an event to repeat every week, how does it show in Calendar?

  • 17

    If you want to search for mail inside a specific Mailbox, what do you need to do?

  • 18

    It's possible to add a hyperlink in a message without showing up the URL address. True or false?

  • 19

    How can you add Mailboxes to the Favorites bar?

  • 20

    What format does the Finder use to compress files?

  • 21

    Do Smart Mailboxes move the email from their original mailbox?

  • 22

    Can Calendar calculate a travel time to an event's location?

  • 23

    If you want to forward an incoming email to someone else, which button in the Toolbar would you use?

  • 24

    Does Mail and Calendar have access to your Contacts?

  • 25

    What is the main difference between Rules and Smart Mailboxes?

OS X Yosemite 104
Mail and Calendar Toolbox
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