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Elektron 108 - Overbridge 2.
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  • 1

    True or False: The Kit Editor displays every track parameter, all at once

  • 2

    True or False: Each track can receive MIDI notes independently

  • 3

    Is Aftertouch an Expression Control?

  • 4

    The Sound Browser allows you to load sounds to your tracks from the Sound Pool and...

  • 5

    To send MIDI to a specific track on our overbridge enabled gear, we should do what?

  • 6

    If the Overbridge Engine lists a device as "IDLE

  • 7

    What does the "CLEAR" button do in the Kit Editor?

  • 8

    Is it possible to use overbridge enabled gear as a general audio interface for your computer?

  • 9

    The audio from the Master effects outputs through which audio channels by default?

  • 10

    If you want to record audio from all individual tracks and the master effects at the same time, you should record audio from which track?

  • 11

    Can a MIDI keyboard be set up using the standalone app?

  • 12

    True or False: Overbridge only works with Ableton Live

  • 13

    True or False: Each input can be panned left, right, or center

  • 14

    Is the plugin required to route separate channels of audio into a DAW?

  • 15

    When Total Recall is enabled, track parameters are stored where?

  • 16

    Is it possible to record audio from multiple tracks at once?

  • 17

    True or False: Each track has its own independent delay effect

  • 18

    True or False: Overbridge must be purchased from the Elektron website.

Elektron 108
Overbridge 2
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