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Music Business 103 - Performance Royalties and PROs.
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  • 1

    What type of license do broadcasters negotiate with PROs?

  • 2

    Retailers play music in stores to ____________.

  • 3

    Broadcasters rely on what to make money?

  • 4

    What is the name of the Canadian Performance Rights Organization?

  • 5

    if you have a PRO, direct licenses issued by the Publisher are still possible. True or false?

  • 6

    In a co-writing situation, the writer share determines the publisher share. True or false?

  • 7

    Do PROs monitor every time a song is played?

  • 8

    PROs pay who?

  • 9

    What does it cost to register with BMI as a publisher?

  • 10

    How can you register a copyright for 10 songs with a single payment?

  • 11

    What is the oldest Performing Rights Organization in the world?

  • 12

    What type of rights are used if your song is performed in a Musical Theater?

  • 13

    Do record stores have to pay licensing fees to PROs?

  • 14

    Songwriters should never set up their own publishing company... True or false?

  • 15

    Do PROs pay royalties immediately?

  • 16

    What act publishes under Weed High Nightmare Music?

  • 17

    PROs pay songwriters/publishers whenever their music is broadcast and/or performed...

Music Business 103
Performance Royalties and PROs
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