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Premiere Pro CC 104 - Titling & Graphics.
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  • 1

    Baseline shift is the perfect tool for creating what type of titles?

  • 2

    How many Anchor points does each title have?

  • 3

    Each layer of text created will appear in the Effects Controls window. True/False

  • 4

    The location to dynamically set the Responsive Design - Time parameter is located:

  • 5

    How many motion graphics templates can you import at one time

  • 6

    How do you create a new title in your timeline?

  • 7

    What was the name of the command to call up the Title Tool in previous versions of Premiere Pro?

  • 8

    A Stroke creates what around the text characters?

  • 9

    Adding keyframes for animation need to be entered in the:

  • 10

    Which Parameter is NOT saved in a Master Style

  • 11

    You can keyframe parameters in the Essential Graphics panel. True/False?

  • 12

    How many Anchor points does each title have?

  • 13

    Which destination is NOT a location for Motion Graphics templates?

  • 14

    How many Text Justification options are there?

  • 15

    To adjust the length of your Roll, you should:

  • 16

    How many layers can you link a layer to, to connect it to the Responsive Design - Position parameter?

  • 17

    Kerning adjusts the spacing between all characters in a Title. True/False

  • 18

    How many fonts can you have synced at the same time?

Premiere Pro CC 104
Titling & Graphics
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