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Pro Tools 102 - Exploring The Workspace.
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  • 1

    How do you rate a clip?

  • 2

    What does BWF stand for?

  • 3

    Which tool is the most versatile tool in Pro Tools?

  • 4

    Which key toggles between all the tools?

  • 5

    In the New Session dialog box, the Interleaved option...

  • 6

    In Pro Tools, it's possible to reorder tracks both in the Edit and Mix windows. True or false?

  • 7

    With this scrolling option selected, the playback cursor remains in the center of the window:

  • 8

    Which of the following is NOT found in a Pro Tools session folder (PT version 10 and +)?

  • 9

    How should you set the H/W Buffer size if you want minimum latency?

  • 10

    Systems that have no Avid cards are called:

  • 11

    What should you do before record-enabling a track?

  • 12

    How can you select multiple tracks?

  • 13

    How can you add Markers in a Pro Tools session?

  • 14

    The playback location is displayed in the...

  • 15

    How many Edit modes are available in Pro Tools?

  • 16

    What's the key command to add more tracks?

  • 17

    Where can you see a list of all clips in your Pro Tools session?

  • 18

    Which counter option is NOT available in Pro Tools?

  • 19

    What type of track should you create to control an external synth?

  • 20

    In Pro Tools, all audio tracks are mono. True or false?

Pro Tools 102
Exploring The Workspace
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