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Reason 8 102 - How Reason Works.
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  • 1

    What is the key command to toggle the Loop function on and off?

  • 2

    You can activate the loop on and off by pressing the L key on the computer keyboard

  • 3

    With the On-Screen Piano Keys window, you can play a virtual keyboard using ____________.

  • 4

    Where can you set the volume of the click track?

  • 5

    What are the main types of modules used in Reason?

  • 6

    You can move the Reason Factory Sound Bank files to any location on your system drive or on an external hard drive. True or false?

  • 7

    What device should you use to control an external MIDI device in Reason?

  • 8

    How can you insert a new device without routing it automatically?

  • 9

    What does it mean if you see an asterisk (*) next to the connector name when patching a cable?

  • 10

    The Transport panel features a "Tap Tempo" function. True or false?

  • 11

    If you connect the left output of a device to the left input of another one, Reason will automatically connect the right output to the right input. True or false?

  • 12

    How many blocks are available in a project?

  • 13

    How could you see all the different sections of Reason on the same screen?

  • 14

    The Reason rack section is limited to load up ______________.

  • 15

    Which parameter is not available in the Groove Settings section of the Tool Window?

  • 16

    What is the key command to "Reduce Cable Clutter"

  • 17

    You can add new third-party effects and instruments in Reason by purchasing ____________.

  • 18

    Which of the following options is not available in the Transport Panel?

  • 19

    It's possible to set Reason to open a template project automatically at launch. True or false?

  • 20

    It is possible to detach the mixer and the rack windows. True or false?

  • 21

    Remote Override allows you to control parameters using ____________.

  • 22

    It is possible to hide the browser, but not the transport. True or false?

  • 23

    How can you create a new device in Reason?

Reason 8 102
How Reason Works
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