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Reason 8 303 - Synthesis Explored.
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  • 1

    The Sustain parameter sets the:

  • 2

    If you want to hear both oscillators in Subtractor, you should leave the Mix knob all the way on the right. True or false?

  • 3

    In Reason's Malström, when we don't select any of the boxes from routing the signal, where does the sound go? 

  • 4

    In Reason's Malström, Mod A and Mod B can be applied in three ways: To Oscillator one, oscillator two, and both oscillators at the same time. True or false?

  • 5

    What type of synthesis are you using if you start with a very rich sound and carve things aways from it to get the sound you want.

  • 6

    Timbre is:

  • 7

    LFO stands for...

  • 8

    In a filter, the cutoff frequency is: 

  • 9

    There are ____ semitones in an octave.

  • 10

    Velocity refers to how hard we play the note on a keyboard. In Subtractor, this can be applied to: 

  • 11

    What are the four most standard waveforms?

  • 12

    To get to the back of a Reason device, in order to see the routing and cabling, we use the ______ keyboard shortcut.

  • 13

    The Reason devices used in this course are Subtractor, Malström, and:

  • 14

    We start Thor's pattern sequencer by pressing the Run button, with one of three settings: Repeat, 1-Shot, or Step. What does the 1-shot setting do?

  • 15

    ADSR stands for:

  • 16

    A very slow attack and release on the Amp Envelope is good to create:

  • 17

    In order to see the devices inside of Reason's Combinator, we need to press the button labeled: 

  • 18

    In Subtractor, the velocity can only control the volume. True or false?

  • 19

    For a typical Lead sound, we want the attack on the amplitude envelope to be slow. True or false?

  • 20

    The button we press to reveal the "guts" of Thor is: 

  • 21

    The _____ controls the volume of the sound over time.

  • 22

    Which of the following is a parameter for fine-tuning the pitch?

  • 23

    In Subtractive Synthesis, what are we "subtracting"? 

  • 24

    In Graintable Synthesis, a "grain" is: 

  • 25

    What are the 4 basic sections of a subtractive synthesizer?

Reason 8 303
Synthesis Explored
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