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Sound Design 101 - Diego Stocco's Creative Sound Design.
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  • 1

    How should you set the Send/Return if you don't want the Audio Track fader to affect the input level of the Return track?

  • 2

    Electret mics are a good option if you want to record custom-build instruments or a different perspective of a certain object. True or false?

  • 3

    When creating a snare drum sound from the guitar part, which plugin is used to carve the snare sound and make it play on the 2 and 4?

  • 4

    When applying Rhythmic Processing, it's best to start with:

  • 5

    Some Contact Mics can handle strong dynamics better than other. True or false?

  • 6

    What type of condenser microphone is used to build the Stethoscope mic?

  • 7

    Can you apply creative miking techniques on a synth?

  • 8

    When creating a kick drum sound from the guitar part, what processing is used to filter everything except the low end?

  • 9

    What customized microphones were used to record Diego's "Music from a Tree" video?

  • 10

    Rhythmic Processing is a technique that allows you to create in real time rhythmic elements from an instrumental or vocal part. True or false?

  • 11

    What are the 3 practical factors to keep in mind when using Contact Mics?

  • 12

    How can you add a sense of motion to each note played on a bowed instrument?

  • 13

    By using _________, you can make the recording process more dynamic.

  • 14

    All Contact Mics are very flexible and let you experiment with different placements. True or false?

  • 15

    In the course, what type of microphone was inserted inside a balloon to record under water?

  • 16

    When creating a hi-hat drum sound from the guitar part, which plugin is used to add more hits and make the timbre less static?

  • 17

    In the course, what kind of impulse response is used when applying Convolution Processing?

  • 18

    According to Diego, everything...

  • 19

    To build the Stethoscope mic, you can use these parts: _____________, super glue, a brass sweeper nozzle, a condenser mic and a stethoscope

Sound Design 101
Diego Stocco's Creative Sound Design
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