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Antelope Audio 101 - The Vintage EQs.
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  • 1

    The STU089 offers ___.

  • 2

    The Antelope VEQ-1A is a recreation of the Pultec EQ-1A.

  • 3

    NEU-PEV offers two filters and 4 bands.

  • 4

    Studer was a household name for recording studios for tape recorders. True or false?

  • 5

    When EQ'ing a bass guitar, avoid boosting with a _____, otherwise _____ notes will stick out too much.

  • 6

    The Antelope VEQ-4k Brown contains these filters:

  • 7

    The Antelope VEQ-1A is a recreation of the Pultec EQ-1A.

  • 8

    Neumann EQs were designed for cutting vinyl. True or false?

  • 9

    Which EQ was the VEQ-1A modeled after?

  • 10

    The BAE 1073 is modeled after this company's real world unit:

  • 11

    The NEU-W492 is the most flexible of the Neuman EQ models. True or false?

Antelope Audio 101
The Vintage EQs
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