Make Noise René is a very powerful and complex "Cartesian" sequencer. Watch this course by modular expert Rishabh Rajan, and you too will be able to say, "I sequence, therefore I am"!
Reason offers a complete new approach to sound design with the very advanced Grain synth. Join synthesis expert Rishabh Rajan in this course, and explore the amazing sound of granular synthesis with Grain!
This Premiere course is designed to take your video editing skills to the next level. Join Premiere expert Kevin McAuliffe as he shares advanced tips and trick that will dramatically improve your workflow.
Apple's Logic Pro X 10.1 is deep. There are so many new and unpublished features that we created this 35-tutorial, 2+ hour course to explain them all. So here's the ninja David Earl to show you everything he's uncovered!
Adobe's Edge Animate is cross-platform, scaleable, interactive animation software designed for the web. Our very own Adobe specialist, Iain Anderson explains how this impressive software works. Start animating now!
When making movies, it's often the little things that make all the difference. In this 30-tutorial course, you learn how those powerful "little" video and audio touches – packed into Apple's iMovie – make YOUR movies really shine.
Moving to a new OS is kind of like moving into a new house: All your "stuff" is the same, but all the rooms look a whole lot different. This course shows you around Apple's new OSX Mavericks and how to keep your Macs up-to-date and "moving" in the right direction!
Bill Burgess is one of the coolest trainers we know. That's why we said YES when he offered to design this amazing course on MIDI in Ableton Live 9. Bill is an extraordinary teacher who delivers insightful nuggets of music gold. Pay attention and learn!
Illustrator excels when it comes to working with Vector objects, but in order to make great art with vectors, you need to understand how to create objects and type in Illustrator. This tutorial shows you how ...
Page layout and document design would be a difficult process without Adobe InDesign ... this tutorial provides you with the quick-way into InDesign CS4!