Here’s a selection of Ask.Video’s most popular blow tutorial-videos:
  • 11. 11. Introduction to the Saxophone
    5m 25s
    Orchestration 104
    Clarinets, Saxophones and Bassoons
    This orchestral wind course takes an in-depth look at the individual members of the clarinet, bassoon and saxophone families. Continue your studies of the wind section with professional orchestrator and instructor Thomas Goss!
  • 8. 8. The Theory of Tone Production
    5m 40s
    Orchestration 102
    The Wind Section
    The wind section is the most colorful section of the orchestra. In this course, you learn all about the instrument families, their techniques and articulations and how to score for them. So master the winds with our favorite maestro, Thomas Goss!
  • 15. 15. Sine Blip
    4m 13s
    Logic Pro X 204
    Sculpture Sound Design Workshop
    With Logic Pro X's Sculpture you can create just about any kind of sound imaginable. Learn how to synthesize all kinds of cool instruments in this sound design course by one of our favorite synthesists, Rishabh Rajan.
  • 24. 24. Overexposed Highlights
    4m 0s
    Final Cut Pro X 205
    Color Grading
    Join Final Cut Pro X expert and Master Colorist Ben Balser in this one-of-a-kind look at the art and science behind color grading in FCP X. You'll learn how to make your video look its best using a professional colorist's workflow...
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