Apple's Logic Pro 10.7.5 is here with a FREE update filled with new features and enhancements that users have been eagerly awaiting. Check out our 10-video course by Logic expert Josh Carney to see everything new in Logic 10.7.5.
Ableton Certified trainer Timo Preece is onboard to share his valuable workflows and production tips for Live's saturation and distortion FX. Learn how to harness the power of these FX in this 15-tutorial FastTrack™ in-action course.
So many pedals and not enough feet! What's the best way to use all those amazing FX? How do you organize all those cables and power supplies? Gregg Fine has the answers to make your pedals really rock!
You've got your Windows Developer Account, you've downloaded the Windows App Developer Tools and now you're ready to start putting together your first app. But where to start? Let expert Windows developer Colin Melia start you off right by showing you how to create and configure some basic interactive controls and start creating your user interface (UI).
Apple's OSX Mavericks is full of all kinds of ways to make your life easier and more efficient. Join Mac expert Francesco Schiavon and learn how you can become an OSX power user!
Digital publication is an exciting new medium that opens up lots of creative doors and opportunities! Join Michele Hjörleifsson and learn how iBooks Author can help you create stunning original content to be shared all around the world...
Join WaveLab Specialist Matthew Loel T. Hepworth in the first course of his in-depth two-part series about editing and mastering audio using WaveLab 7. You're about to witness first-hand how this great software can make your audio sing and dance!
Pages '09 is a styles-based word processor that makes it easy to create, edit, and layout documents, from envelopes and business cards to complete books!