Here’s a selection of Ask.Video’s most popular cleaning tutorial-videos:
  • 9. Tape Alignment Basics
    5m 18s
    Audio Concepts 107
    Analog Tape Recording
    Analog tape was once the most important medium for audio recording and mixing, and it's now regaining popularity with many engineers and artists. Learn about the history and science of magnetic tape and learn how to work with this medium in this course, by audio expert Joe Albano.
  • 23. 23. Muting Some of the Tracks
    7m 42s
    Cubase 8 100
    Tutorial Sampler
    Welcome Cubase users! Create a FREE account (top right) to watch these introductory teaser tutorials selected from our Cubase courseware. Then join our learning community to unlock more courses about Cubase, synthesis, recording techniques, EDM production, music theory and more.
  • 3. 3. Muting Some of the Tracks
    7m 42s
    Cubase 8 304
    Mixing Live Drums
    The art of mixing drums has always been the Holy Grail of audio engineering. Watch this Cubase course by the talented producer, Eyal Amir, and see how he gets his drums sounding just right!
  • 8. 8. Cleaning Your Gear
    6m 17s
    Photography 201
    Advanced Digital Photography
    Dive deeper into digital photography! Learn important composition and professional techniques in this 2+ hour tips 'n tricks-filled course by expert Matt Vanacoro.
  • 24. 24. Compact project
    1m 49s
    Digital Performer 8 101
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    DP8 is a killer audio recorder and editor. Check out all of its "audacious" power in this introductory audio course by expert Alexander Adhami...
  • 7. 7. Noise Reduction
    3m 56s
    Lightroom 4 201
    Objects, Portraits and People
    Learn professional techniques from photographer and Adobe trainer, Martin Perhiniak, as he enhances Objects, Portraits and People in this advanced 36-tutorial course exploring the state-of-the-art features of Lightroom 4...
  • 7. 7. Cleaning Up Comping Lanes
    4m 14s
    Cubase 6.5
    New Features In Cubase 6.5
    64 bit Cubase 6.5 is here with its new synths: Retrologue and Padshop. There's also a new Comping tool and some very cool new effects plugins. So join Cubase "Commander" Matthew Loel T. Hepworth, your captain on flight Cubase 6.5, to learn what's new...
  • 16. 16. Tidying Up - Part 1
    7m 54s
    (The) Art of Audio Recording 302
    The Mix
    Mixing is a complicated "mix" of art and science. In this Singing Canary tutorial, follow top engineer Clint Murphy as he takes you on a 60-video, step by step mixing journey...
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