Here’s a selection of Ask.Video’s most popular decimate tutorial-videos:
  • 14. 14. Distortion
    4m 43s
    Sylenth 101
    Sylenth - Explored
    Sylenth is an innovative synth from the Netherlands by LennarDigital. Watch electronic music master Rishabh Rajan explain and explore how this warm, analog-sounding synth works!
  • 11. 11. Flute
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    Logic Pro X 204
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  • 12. 12. Voltage Controlled Filter
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    u-he Zebra 103
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    u-he Zebra 2 is a sonic beast that sounds absolutely wild! We asked one of our favorite synth trainers, Rishabh Rajan, to explain this virtual synth and tame it for you. Check it out!
  • 33. 33. Adding Distort Effects
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    iZotope Nectar 2
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    Produce stunning sounding vocals, VOs and special FX with iZotope's powerful Nectar 2 plugin. This 44-tutorial course – designed by Matt Hepworth – is filled with tons of tips and tricks that'll take your vocal tracks to the next level!
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