Here’s a selection of Ask.Video’s most popular destinations tutorial-videos:
  • 23. 23. Customizing the Share Options
    3m 15s
    Final Cut Pro X 108
    Core Training: Finishing Up Your Project
    The editing is done, so are the FX, the color's correct... now what? Final Cut Pro expert Michael Wohl takes you through all the important steps leading to exporting and sharing your movie projects in this deep, 28-tutorial course!
  • 9. 9. Setting Up Busses
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    Reaper 104
    Mixing and Automation
    The track is finished. It's time to mix. Learn all the ins-and-outs of automation and mixing in Reaper!...
  • 19. 19. The Routing Matrix
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    Reaper 101
    Introduction to Reaper
    Move over big name DAWs because Reaper is here! Reaper is a fully realized, affordable DAW that is competing with the big boys! Download a demo version of Reaper and dig into this intro course to see what the excitement is all about...
  • 63. 63. Multiple Stop Maps
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    iMovie '11 101
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    Learn how iMovie '11 will make your video projects look like a Hollywood A-List production.
  • 63. 63. Multiple Stop Maps
    2m 1s
    iMovie '09 101
    Core iMovie '09
    iMovie '09 has undergone many changes, and is now better than ever at helping you to tell stories through video. This 6.5 hour, comprehensive tutorial will show you the way!
  • 45. 45. Links vs. Destinations
    2m 24s
    Acrobat 9 101
    Core Acrobat 9
    Adobe Acrobat is essential to trading documents on the modern Internet. This tutorial-video will teach you how to create forms, format text, imbed images, and distribute PDFs like a pro!
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