The best way to acquire new techniques is to learn them from others who've been doing it professionally! So that's why we asked Photoshop CC pro Iain Anderson to show us 10 of his favorite essential photo-editing tips.
Taking photos is just the first step in the photographer's craft. Transform and enhance your photos into photographic masterpieces in this Photoshop CC course by expert Dan Moughamian.
Learn how to make your best photos even better in this 54-tutorial course on Photo Retouching and Adjustment with pro photographer and popular Photoshop educator, Dan Moughamian.
Sketch objects, create textures, and make photo-realistic mock-ups ... this tutorial-video shows you how to create graphics from the ground-up in Photoshop.
Adobe's After Effects CS5 is the industry-leading motion graphics software that powers animations across all media including the web, on TV and in feature films. Join visual artist/musician and trainer Richard Lainhart in this detailed exploration of everything you need to know about the powerful animation tools in After Effects CS5.
Digital cameras alone don't make good pictures - it takes the helping hand of Photoshop to make your photos shine. This tutorial-video shows you why ...
Sketch objects, create textures, and make photo-realistic mock-ups ... this tutorial-video shows you how to create graphics from the ground-up in Photoshop CS4.