Here’s a selection of Ask.Video’s most popular downstream tutorial-videos:
  • 2. 2. Rippling Edits
    2m 31s
    Final Cut Pro X 103
    Core Training: Advanced Editing Masterclass
    Final Cut Pro X is filled with great pro editing tools. Join Michael Wohl as he explains the advanced techniques and reveals ALL the new editing features packed into Apple's flagship video editor!
  • 7. 7. Inserting Clips
    4m 6s
    Final Cut Pro X 102
    Core Training: Editing Techniques and Concepts
    There are many new tricks in FCPX's editing toolkit. That's why Michael Wohl created this comprehensive new editing course – filled with great examples – to show you just how it's done! This 30-tutorial collection gets you up-to-speed quickly in Apple's latest version of Final Cut Pro X!
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