Here’s a selection of Ask.Video’s most popular flavor tutorial-videos:
  • 9. 9. Adding Flavor with EQ
    3m 48s
    Reason 8 302
    Mastering Lab
    This Reason 8 Mastering Lab course, by trainer Mo Volans, demonstrates the powerful, bundled processors and the mastering techniques that will transform your Reason tracks from good to mind-blowing. Watch this course and see how to master your tracks –in the box!
  • 16. 16. Exercise 2: Major Scale Modes
    7m 11s
    Ear Training 101
    Melodies, Intervals and Scales
    Whether you perform, listen to or mix music, knowing the intervals and chords behind what you hear is an essential skill that all musicians need to have. The good news is that you can train your ears - beginning right here - in this course by Gregg Fine.
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